What Foods Repair Gut Health?

Our bodies are incredible. Whatever we put them through, they restore and heal themselves. Yet when we don’t take care of them – when we eat the wrong foods, drink too much alcohol, put chemicals on our skin and hair, or smoke – the consequences are typically felt in our stomachs. We may feel bloated, have little energy, have a low mood, or be overall ill. This is due to the fact that our gut health influences how our entire body feels. You may not realize it, but you should consider gut healing if you respond to specific foods and get pounding headaches, constipation, or diarrhea.

Hence, if we want to feel good, we must take proper care of our stomach to help it heal and mend itself. We can support and restore our stomachs with a few easy actions. And it all starts with the things we eat.

sugary foods

Boosting the immune system.

The gut is home to a diverse population of bacteria that are vital to human health. One of these bacteria’s most significant roles is to manage our immune system. In fact, your gut contains 70% of your immune system. When we become unwell, the bacteria in our stomach and bloodstream help us fight the infection and stay healthy. But, if the bacteria in our stomach are out of balance, our immune system will be thrown off and we will be more prone to sickness.

It is critical to consume a range of foods that contain living and active cultures to maintain a healthy population of gut bacteria. Probiotics may be found in yogurt, sauerkraut, kimchi, kefir, and kombucha, which can help restore the population of good bacteria in the stomach. Moreover, fermented foods such as miso and tempeh are high in probiotics and can aid with digestive health.

Another strategy to enhance your immune system is consuming foods with nutrients that strengthen your immune system. Vitamins and minerals, particularly B vitamins, folate, zinc, and selenium, are essential for a healthy immune system. These nutrients may be found in foods such as leafy greens, orange-colored vegetables, and fruits including carrots, sweet potatoes, papaya, and cantaloupe melon; lean meats like liver; nuts and seeds; seafood; oily fish; and fortified foods.

Cut out foods that damage the gut.

Aside from consuming enough foods that can assist in repairing the gut, it is also crucial to avoid foods and drinks that might cause harm to the gut. This allows your stomach to recover and mend itself rather than protect itself against harmful foods. A variety of meals can promote inflammation in the stomach and diminish the number of bacteria present. Processed meats, refined carbohydrates, sugar, alcohol, artificial sweeteners, and additions. Each of these meals can potentially irritate the gut lining, resulting in inflammation. Moreover, they can increase the growth of harmful bacteria while decreasing the number of healthy bacteria in the gut. This can lead to a range of gastrointestinal issues, such as bloating, diarrhea, and constipation.

Starve out the damaging bacteria.

Pathogenic bacteria in the stomach can cause inflammation and various disorders such as diarrhea and exhaustion. Antibiotics may be used to eliminate them, but they would also kill the beneficial bacteria. As previously noted, you may crowd them out by boosting the good bacteria by taking a probiotic pill or consuming fermented foods. You may also starve them out by limiting your carbohydrate intake. They feed on carbs, so avoiding them for a while will help kill them and allow your stomach to repair the harm they do.

Eat anti-bacterial foods.

Eating anti-bacterial foods is another approach to destroying harmful bacteria and allowing your stomach to recover. Examples include garlic, cinnamon, oregano oil, berberine, and grapefruit seed extract. Garlic is extremely powerful in killing harmful germs because of a component called allicin. Garlic can also aid in forming white blood cells, which are vital in combating infection and helping the stomach heal itself. Cinnamon tea can also be used to calm an upset stomach.

Follow a gut repair protocol.

Certain diets are indicated for healing and repairing the stomach and digestive system. They mainly entail avoiding foods that irritate or harm the stomach. The FODMAP diet, the GAPs diet, the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, and the low residue diet are examples of these diets.

Eat anti-fungal foods.

If a fungus, such as Candida, is causing harm to your stomach, consuming anti-fungal foods can be quite beneficial. Antifungal qualities have been documented for garlic, turmeric, ginger, kimchi, apple cider vinegar, coconut oil, and kale.

Eat anti-parasitic foods.

If a parasite is a pathogenic bug causing the issue, some foods can assist in getting rid of them while also allowing your gut to rebuild and heal from the harm they have caused. Among them are garlic, pumpkin seeds, beets, pomegranates, and carrots. A combination of honey and papaya seeds is also good for killing parasites in the stomach.

Various foods, particularly garlic, can help eliminate harmful bacteria, parasites, and fungal overgrowth, raise helpful bacteria, and restore gut balance so that they can recover and repair themselves spontaneously. While other alternatives are available, considering the meals and beverages recommended in this article is worthwhile.



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