Things That Can Make Tinnitus Worse

Is This For Real?

Tinnitus is almost seldom the result of a significant underlying ailment. For some, it is merely a mild irritation that comes and goes.

However, it can significantly interfere with daily life and be highly stressful for certain people, diminishing attention and causing concerns such as sleep disorders (insomnia) and depression.

Tinnitus frequently improves over time, either disappearing or becoming less noticeable (habituation). However, it is necessary to consult a doctor to evaluate whether the source of the tinnitus can be diagnosed and treated and find solutions to the problem.

When should you see your family doctor?

When should you see your primary care physician?

Consult your primary care physician if you hear frequent or repetitive sounds in your ears, such as buzzing, ringing, or humming.

He can examine your ears to see whether the condition is caused by a treatable ailment, such as an ear infection or earwax buildup. He may also perform simple tests to determine whether you have hearing loss.

Your general care physician can send you to a hospital specialist for more tests and treatment if required.

Noises that are upsetting

It is possible for tinnitus, or ringing in the ears, to be caused by a wide range of factors. One of the most apparent instances is noise. Loud noises, such as those made by machines, headphones, or concerts, can cause temporary or permanent hearing loss. Could you go to great lengths to avoid them? Take yourself out of the situation. Put on your earplugs. Turn down the volume. Remember to protect your children’s ears as well.

things that can aggrevate tinnitus

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There are antibiotics, antidepressants, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), cancer medications, diuretics, and high-dose aspirin. Complications are more likely at greater doses. The effects usually go away after you stop taking them. If you suspect your meds are to blame, speak with your doctor. However, you should not discontinue taking any medicine without consulting your doctor first.

Yes, it can intensify the sound of ringing. Look for ways to relax and deal with stress. Exercising, deep breathing, and biofeedback are all possibilities. Acupuncture and massage can also be effective. Doctors may offer advice on how to cope with stress if it is too much for you to handle.

Jaw troubles

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is a nerve and ligament complex that links your mouth to your middle ear. Ear pain and ringing in the ears may result from problems in this area. Speaking of chewing, your jaw may crack. To avoid the ringing from intensifying, a dentist, oral surgeon, or otolaryngologist (also known as Ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialists are trained to detect it and provide treatment for patients with these symptoms.


The body produces this sticky substance to catch dirt and protect the ears. It can, however, accumulate and cause problems. It can cause ear ringing as well as temporary hearing loss. If wax has accumulated in your ears, your doctor can remove it carefully. Do not attempt this with cotton swabs.


Ringing in the ears can begin soon after catching a cold. If that’s the case, it shouldn’t take too long. If the noise continues after a week, you should see a doctor. You could have an ear infection or a sinus infection.


You may need to try an allergy prescription or change the meds you’re taking to relieve the symptoms. For further information, speak with your allergist or primary care physician.

Blood pressure is too high.

In the event that you get an elevated blood pressure reading, be sure to monitor it closely. You can get help from your doctor to manage it. In some cases, low blood pressure is to blame. Your doctor can also monitor it.

Problems with sleep

Are you continuously tired? Tinnitus may be triggered or exacerbated as a result. Make it a point to sleep for at least 8 hours every night. If you need help falling asleep, see your doctor.



Both of these concerns are inextricably related. Tinnitus can be aggravated by pain if it interferes with sleep and elevates your stress level. The ringing may go away if you treat the migraine.


Because alcohol raises blood pressure, it makes you more sensitive to ringing. Reduce your alcohol consumption and observe if the ringing improves.


Remove the habit. Nicotine, which is found in cigarettes and other products, can increase your tinnitus. Cigarette smoking has been shown to constrict the blood vessels that provide oxygen to your ears. This can also cause an increase in blood pressure.

Reduce your coffee or cola consumption to see if the ringing improves. Caffeine can also raise blood pressure, causing ringing in the ears in certain persons. Reduce it and observe how it affects things.

Depression and anxiety

They can make the noises you hear look louder. Some of the medications you’re taking for treatment can do the same thing. Because tinnitus can be depressing, your doctor can assist you in developing coping and emotional management skills.

Tinnitus can appear gradually or suddenly. It is uncertain why this occurs. However, it is typically associated with some degree of hearing loss.

Tinnitus is usually linked to:

Hearing loss as a result of ageing

Inner-ear damage is caused by persistent exposure to loud sounds.

an earwax accumulation

ear infection in the middle lobe

Ménière’s disease is a condition that causes both hearing loss and vertigo (spinning vertigo)

Otosclerosis is a genetic condition characterised by abnormal bone growth in the middle ear, which causes hearing loss.

However, one in every three people who suffer from tinnitus has no apparent issues with their ears or hearing.

Other medical issues

Some cause ringing, while others exacerbate it. Thyroid problems, anaemia, autoimmune diseases, and inner ear structural problems are among them. Determine the cause and treatment options with your ear Specialist.

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