Common Forms of Resistance to Meditation

Tips for Sticking to Your Daily Meditation Routine: Let’s face it, developing new habits and maintaining them may be difficult. Despite the fact that change is unavoidable, going through the process can be challenging. The same may be said about developing and adhering to meditation practice. Despite the fact that the advantages of meditation are well-established and well-researched, it can be difficult to maintain a regular practice. Resistance manifests itself in a variety of ways, making it difficult to follow through with defined objectives. We’re providing you with recommendations that will make it easier for you to stay committed to your practice in order to help you stay on track. First, let’s take a look at some of the many types of meditation resistance.

  • I Don’t Have Time: When individuals contemplate of meditating, they frequently cite the excuse “I don’t have the time.” Because there is a popular misperception about what meditation should look like, many people find it difficult to meditate. After a while, you’ll come to realize that you actually have plenty of time.
  • Monotonous: Monotony may be demoralizing, and this is especially true when we perform the same meditation practice day after day for an extended period of time. It may seem counterintuitive, but it’s a good idea to mix up your meditation routine from time to time. If you want to experiment with different methods of concentration, you may attempt focused attention meditation one day and visualization the next. If one type of exercise does not connect with you, don’t be scared to experiment with another.
  • There is no motivation: People might get disinterested in their routines or perhaps abandon them altogether due to a lack of drive. You will, on the other hand, discover that your biggest source of drive is within yourself. Discipline is quite important in this situation.
  • Not living up to expectations: Many people begin meditation practices with great expectations, which are not always met. A typical assumption is that effects will be visible right away. When such expectations are not satisfied, there is a propensity for people to abandon or forget the practice altogether.

Overcoming Resistance to Daily Meditation

meditation stick to a routine

Now that we’ve looked at some of the most frequent forms of meditation resistance, let’s look at some strategies for overcoming them. Here are six suggestions for staying on track with your meditation routine:

Meditate in Groups

Group meditations are a terrific way to keep motivated and accountable while doing something you like. It is possible to have accountability partners who will assist you in remaining committed to your practice. Additionally, meditating in groups produces a type of positive peer pressure, which will drive you to maintain your routine [1]. You may either join a group that already exists or start one from scratch.

Introduce Variety

Trying out several types of meditation can help you choose which one feels the most comfortable for you. [2] Some of the most frequent forms of meditation activities are as follows:

  • Chanting or mantra meditation
  • Mindfulness meditation
  • Focused meditation
  • Visualisation
  • Movement meditation

Set a Schedule that Works for You

meditation calms mind and bodyNever try to force yourself to follow someone else’s daily schedule. If you do this, you are more than likely to give up on your practice or become irritated with yourself. Make yourself familiar with the idea of choosing a moment that works well for you. The wonderful thing about meditation is that it can be practiced at any time and from any location. You may, for example, practice mindfulness while doing laundry, washing dishes, or working in the office, among other things.

Use an Application

Using a meditation tool that is specifically designed to help you stay to your program may be really beneficial. It is possible to benefit from using an application if you have difficulty meditating on your own or when you are not meditating in groups. Making use of an application may assist you in becoming more accountable. It also acts as a source of incentive, particularly when you keep up with streaks.

Pair it with a Regular Daily Habit

Several daily chores are performed without pause and without a second thought. Brushing your teeth, having a shower, and, for some people, exercising are examples of these activities to engage in. If you have trouble keeping to your meditation regimen, combine it with a habit that you like. Consider making a note to yourself to always meditate 15 minutes before your gym regimen or before taking a shower every day.

Check-in with Yourself

Pay close attention to the changes that occur as a result of your meditation practice. Always be on the lookout for changes, whether it’s a shift in your cognitive patterns or bodily alterations. Checking in with oneself allows you to recognize the advantages that you get from your regular meditation practice.


Resisting your meditation practice can come in various forms, and it is important to recognize and deal with them. You, on the other hand, have the ability to overcome various types of opposition. Let go of certain expectations and use the suggestions above to stay motivated to keep with your program and maintain your health.


[1] Crane, K. (2016, November 15). 8 Ways to Stick to Your Meditation Routine. US News and World Report

 [2] Mindworks Org. (n.d.). What are the Different Types of Meditation?





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