How Negative Thinking Affects Our Bodies and What We Can Do

How Negative Thinking Affects Our Bodies and What We Can Do: Do you ever find yourself pondering the past or fretting about the future? If that’s the case, you’re not alone. According to experts at the University of New South Wales, up to 70% of adults regularly think negatively. Unfortunately, the negative thinking we indulge in has a significant impact on our mental health.

We are all aware that negative thinking is harmful to our health. But how does it affect us specifically? And how can we begin to combat it? Continue reading to find out.

We feel bad when we think negatively.

Negative thinking can make us feel bad because it causes stress hormones like cortisol to be released.

These hormones are intended to aid our survival by enhancing attentiveness and focus. However, when we are constantly stressed, it can lead to significant health concerns such as anxiety disorders, depression, heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and even cancer.

The idea is to teach your brain not to spend time thinking about things that make you unhappy. 

One approach is cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT).

CBT assists patients in developing methods to change their negative thought habits. It should become simpler to refocus on more positive thoughts with practice and time.

negative thinking affects our bodies

Surfing Grandad

Negative thinking causes bodily discomfort.

Negative thinking can cause physical discomfort. Even if we are unaware of it, the mental stress caused by negative thoughts can result in various physical symptoms such as headaches and muscle stiffness.

Negative thinking has a significant impact on our mental health. According to research, we are more likely to be irritated and worried when we have a negative perspective. 

Negative thinking is also linked to depression, which leads us back to physical discomfort. Depression is frequently accompanied by chronic pain, which returns us to the psychological stress that began this vicious cycle in the first place!

The good news is that if you know what you’re up against, there are solutions to break the pattern. 

The most effective technique to overcome negative ideas is to replace them with positive ones. 

According to one study, persons who practise thankfulness are less likely to be depressed at the end of the day than those who do not – appreciation makes them feel better about their life. 

It makes them less likely to ruminate about adverse events throughout the day.

While negative thinking may appear unavoidable at times, there are strategies to overcome it and keep your mind healthy.

We become ill as a result of negative thinking.

Negative thinking can harm our health in a variety of ways. 

For starters, it can cause stress, which has been found to negatively influence our immune system and make us more susceptible to seasonal flu. 

It has also been demonstrated that negative thinking can make us unwell by increasing cortisol levels, the stress hormone. 

Cortisol is critical for our long-term health, but when we are chronically stressed, our systems produce an excess of cortisol. This disrupts the balance of other hormones in our brain and body required for nutritional health.

one positive thought

Negative thinking has an even more negative impact on our bodies.

Negative thinking harms our mental health, but it also harms our physical health.

The stress hormones created when we think negative thoughts might even influence how our immune system operates, making us more vulnerable to disease. 

Chronic stress causes the body’s fight-or-flight response, delaying and weakening the immune system.

Chronic stress lowers the immune system and hinders sleep, and leads to overeating or skipping meals entirely. 

Negative thoughts can also cause an increase in blood pressure and heart rate, both of which make you more vulnerable to strokes and heart attacks.

How to Get Rid of Negativity and Begin Thinking Positively

Many people struggle with negative thinking. We worry about the past and the future, and we become so caught up in ourselves that we never take care of ourselves.

The good news is that there are methods for dealing with negativity and thinking more positively.

The first step is to detect your negative thoughts and determine their source. Perhaps you believe your boss despises you or that everyone thinks you’re foolish. However, if you consider the situation that generated that sensation, it may not be as horrible as you believe.

Maybe your employer was having a terrible day, and one person felt you were stupid while others thought you were fantastic – keep that in mind the next time you get a similar reaction.

The next stage is to determine why these negative ideas arise in the first place.  Perhaps it dates back to your youth, and perhaps it has nothing to do with your current situation. You can either concentrate on what makes you joyful or use mindfulness techniques to hold these feelings at bay until they go away on their own.


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