How can I get rid of my sleeplessness quickly?

Tossing and turning in bed may be a very irritating and anxiety-inducing experience. Inability to relax and fall asleep might leave you feeling exhausted, restless, and unpleasant. Furthermore, as the hours’ pass, you become aware that there is less time to sleep.

You tell yourself that if you can go to sleep now, you’ll still get five hours of sleep, which isn’t too awful. Then there are four. Then there are three. You then start wondering about the day ahead and how long it will be before you can sleep again, just to resume the cycle.

Many individuals would recognize this situation from one or two nights of insomnia caused by illness or discomfort, worrying about a job interview the following day, agonizing over an incident or something someone said to you the day before, or the weather being unusually hot in a heat wave with no air conditioning. Whatever the reason, being unable to sleep may make us feel as if our insomnia is dominating us rather than the other way around.

If this seems similar, you want a remedy as soon as possible. If you have experienced one restless night, going to bed a little earlier the following night may be sufficient to help you make up for missed sleep. This is acceptable as a one-time occurrence. It may be tempting to sleep in till the afternoon on the weekend after a week of not sleeping. However, sleep specialists recommend that you attempt to go to bed and wake up at the same time every night. That includes weekends and days off.

But what if you have persistent insomnia? In other words, it’s for the long haul. Unfortunately, being unable to sleep or waking up numerous times throughout the night may become a habit. Our behavior gets ingrained as a result. Unfortunately, coping with restless nights requires time and tolerance.

Having Insomnia

Then, the more you adjust your behavior in an attempt to push yourself to sleep, the more difficult it is to sleep. The more difficulty you have sleeping, the more you attempt alternative methods to sleep. One or two pillows? adjusting your sleeping posture Using vitamins or sleeping pills. Taking a nap throughout the day. Weekend sleeping in. These behaviors contribute to the persistence of insomnia. It should now be obvious that short-term behavior does not work.

Furthermore, the continual stress and anxiety about not getting enough sleep cause your brain to believe you are in danger. It makes you nervous in order for you to cope with the danger. You feel apprehensive and perhaps furious, which results in hyper-arousal. You will not sleep if you are hyper-aroused. No amount of short-term behavior modification will assist.

Hyper-arousal is characterized by heightened vigilance, anxiety, and tension. It is often accompanied by bodily symptoms such as racing heart, sweating and trembling. While hyperarousal may be unpleasant and disturbing, it is not typically seen as harmful (1). However, the brain is hard-wired to keep us safe and avoid risks, and the body recognizes sleep deprivation as a threat.

The body’s sense of a lack of sleep as a danger is an evolutionary remnant (2). When we are under stress, our bodies generate adrenaline and cortisol to provide us with the energy and concentration we need to cope with the danger. These hormones assist us in remaining awake and using our stored energy reserves to fight or run. While this reaction is useful in the short term, it is not intended to be maintained over long periods of time (3).

When we don’t get enough sleep, our bodies may take it as a warning sign that we are in danger and should be on high alert. As a result, the more you don’t sleep, the more nervous you feel, which means you sleep even less and become even more concerned and disturbed. You will attract whatever you concentrate on. It’s a prediction that comes true.

So you want to know how to break out of this vicious cycle and start sleeping well again.

Get some exposure to natural daylight.

Most individuals understand the importance of having a good night’s sleep for general health and well-being. What many people don’t understand is that being awake throughout the day might help promote sleep at night. That means no naps throughout the day. The circadian rhythm, or internal clock, of the body, maintains the natural cycle of awake and sleep. Sunlight exposure throughout the day helps to maintain this internal clock and allows you to sleep better at night. So the number one tip to getting rid of insomnia quickly is to get lots of natural sunshine exposure throughout the day. Furthermore, physical exercise throughout the day might promote sleep by tiring the body and preparing it for slumber. If you can do it, the ideal time to go out is first thing in the morning. You will discover that it makes a significant impact (4).

 Go to bed when you are sleepy.

The longer you are awake, the greater your sleep desire becomes. The sleep drive is the biological mechanism that causes us to feel drowsy after being awake for an extended amount of time. The sleep drive is induced by an increase in adenosine levels in the brain. Adenosine is a waste product of a cellular activity that builds up during the day. As adenosine levels rise, these substances begin to bind to receptors in the brain. We get fatigued as a result of this (5). Caffeine, by the way, helps us remain alert by blocking adenosine receptors (6). However, the sleeping desire will soon become too powerful to resist, and we will fall asleep. Caffeine should be avoided at all costs. If you really must have your coffee, it is better to cease drinking it about midday.

As a result, the next not-so-secret-secret is to go to bed when you’re tired. It’s not because it’s 10 p.m. Sleep is supposed to come spontaneously. You will sleep if you are tired. If your body needs sleep, guess what? It will go to sleep. We cannot flourish or exist without sleep. Stop worrying about it. It will occur.

Wake up at the same time every day.

One of the most crucial components in keeping a regular sleep routine, according to sleep specialists, is getting up at the same time every day (7). Weekends and holidays are included. The human body contains an internal clock called the circadian rhythm that governs several physiological functions, including sleep. Environmental factors such as sunshine and temperature impact this clock. When we maintain a consistent sleep pattern, we successfully reset our circadian rhythm, making it simpler for our bodies to know when to sleep and when to get up. As a consequence, waking up at the same time every day may aid in the treatment of insomnia by restoring the body’s normal sleep-wake cycle. Getting up at the same time every day increases alertness, which we have previously known improves sleep.

It may be difficult to wake up and get out of bed at the same time. The alarm will sound, and you will want to snooze it. Don’t. Get up and start your day, no matter how tired you are. You will feel less lethargic each day as this practice progressively becomes ingrained in your behavior. You won’t need the alarm after a while, but it’s definitely a good idea to set it just in case you sleep in one day and miss the bus or arrive late at work.

Try CBT to stop sleep anxiety.

We’ve spoken about not sleeping because we’re apprehensive and tense, which makes falling asleep even more difficult. This cycle might be draining and disheartening, but there is hope. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a sort of treatment that may assist individuals in dealing with their sleep anxiety. CBT focuses on altering the negative thoughts and behaviors that cause anxiety. CBT teaches you how to deal with stress more effectively and create better sleeping patterns (8). These therapies will lower sleep anxiety and enhance overall sleep quality over time. That being said, keep in mind that this isn’t a fast remedy. Unfortunately, if you want to conquer insomnia permanently, you must develop certain habits. Remember that short-term behavior does not work.

If you suffer from sleep anxiety, speak with your doctor or a mental health practitioner about beginning CBT therapy. You may visit a therapist in person, or there are online therapists (9). Do your homework, as usual.

Do not clock-watch.

Fixating on how long you have been awake or sleeping is one source of sleep anxiety. Surprisingly, persons who sleep well overestimate how long they slept, whereas those who suffer from insomnia underestimate how little they slept (10). Comparing the length of time you slept (or did not sleep) to someone who sleeps a good eight hours every night is simply another reason you’ll get nervous and continue the sleeplessness/anxiety cycle. As a result, another crucial method for overcoming insomnia is to refrain from monitoring the clock when you are unable to sleep. Obsessing over the time and how little sleep you have left just adds to your anxiousness. Similarly, if you wake up, do not check the clock. You’ll have no clue how long you’ve been awake this way.

No day-time napping.

Struggling to sleep at night and failing to do so trains you to snooze throughout the day. The more you nap to function, the worse your nighttime sleep becomes, and the more you require your daily nap. Another vicious spiral has formed. Because there is no conflict throughout the day, you naturally go asleep more quickly. However, we want this to take place at night. So avoid taking naps throughout the day.

 Keep a Sleep Journal.

Finally, after you are consistently sleeping soundly, begin keeping a diary. Make a note of how well you slept each morning. How long did you sleep? What did you feel like when you woke up. How energized you were the following day. You may even write down your dreams. This is because you will sometimes have a poor night. Remember that everyone has a restless night now and again. That is very natural. This is when the journal enters the picture. It prevents you from stressing over not being able to sleep, like you used to do when you couldn’t sleep. It reminds you that you are not an insomniac. You are a typical person who sometimes has a restless night. It may seem easy, but it works.

You now understand how to get rid of insomnia. Reducing sleep anxiety using CBT, going to bed when you are drowsy, avoiding clock-watching if you do wake up, waking up at the same time every day, getting some natural daylight, and maintaining a sleep diary are all good ways to reduce sleep anxiety. It won’t be a fast remedy, but by incorporating these behaviors into your daily routine, sleeplessness will be a thing of the past.


  1. Cognitive-emotional hyperarousal as a premorbid characteristic of individuals vulnerable to insomnia
  2. Shining evolutionary light on human sleep and sleep disorders
  3. Stress effects on the body
  4. Benefits of Sunlight: A Bright Spot for Human Health
  5. Adenosine and Sleep
  6. Adenosine
  7. First Step to Better Sleep: Wake Up at the Same Time Every Day
  8. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I)
  9. CBT comparisons of online support
  10. (Mis)Perception of Sleep in Insomnia: A puzzle and a resolution







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