Personalized videos are not a fad. The most recent marketing theme catches viewers’ attention and piques their interest. But how do local businesses use these videos? I’m pleased you want to know.

Primarily it must be understood that there are two sorts of personalized videos (and luckily, Gibson Girls Marketing offers both). Choosing one over the other is primarily determined by the purpose for which you want to utilize it. A story might be in order here.

Personalized Videos On A Large Scale

Marketer A wants to send emails to her consumers informing them of the availability of a new product or service. She has a list of persons who have agreed to receive her updates. Individual videos with the names of everyone on her list would take too long (thus the necessity for GGM!).

You hand over the list to Gibson Girls, and we create a video for each person on it. The videos are sent to each person by name, maybe by city, and any number of other information that Marketer A has gathered.

Each video is delivered in an email to each recipient, along with additional tailored information.

This is exciting material, and it creates a lot of interest for Seller A.

This scenario is ideal for real estate brokers, auto dealers, insurance salespeople, and anybody else who has a huge list of people they want to contact with personalzied videos.

These personalized videos are published in batches depending on a recipient list. They’re great for large email blasts, like sending a thank you video to a list of conference attendees.

Personalized Video Messages Might Help You Get More Cold Calls.

personalized videos

While we’re at it, keep in mind that targeted video marketing promotes engagement, and engagement is half the fight when it comes to sales.

Your sales staff will be more productive as a result of having several encounters with potential customers when they don’t have to spend a lot of time flying back and forth and without losing the personal touch.

Personalized videos may be utilized to enhance email conversion rates, drive landing site registrations, increase event attendance, personalize customer assistance, improve customer happiness, and much more.

How about Marketer B? I’m glad you asked.

Personalization Is Automated In The Blink Of An Eye.

This is a different sort of video that includes information on the viewer at the moment of watching. For two reasons, these are more general. For starters, they are intended to appeal to a broader audience and can only personalize what the viewer is ready to give about themselves when watching the video.

Consider an internet invitation to a party. When you click, a page appears asking for your name and email address. You will almost certainly submit this information if you wish to attend the event. You may also provide the name of the city in which you reside. However, you are unlikely to enter the names of your spouse, children, or pet.

It would be difficult to create a video in which he referred to his wife Lulu and their dog Samson.

People are less inclined to share information unless they have a strong desire to know what’s beyond the door. However, there are times when less personalized videos are still highly beneficial. Domino’s has had excellent success with it.

Video Advertising That Is Personalized

With this method, Domino’s improved engagement considerably, and conversions climbed by 115%. If you don’t require a lot of information or don’t need to customize beyond stating the customer’s name, this might be the type of video that would pique your consumers’ interest. Domino’s isn’t the only option. Other businesses have also gotten on board and seen the light. McDonald’s, Red Bull, Zumba, Nike, Playboy, and Mastercard are just a few examples.

And, as the platform expands, once someone supplies this information, they don’t have to do it again for other movies.

The first major challenge of every marketing effort is to be noticed – check! Personalized videos accomplish this in spades. And interesting videos are shared and viewed, which increases your positive statistics. They may be very amusing and engaging when utilized on social networks, improving conversion rates.

Instead of a single receiver, personalization technologies may be used to produce movies that target a certain group, such as a corporation, industry, or sector. These videos might include the firm name, emblem, or language sections specific to the department.

Understanding The Differences Between The Two Sorts Of Personalized Videos

Everyone enjoys being made to feel special. In order to engage your audience, including information in a personalized video, such as the viewer’s name, company, or photo.

Personalization is the key to gaining the hearts of spectators. It boosts opens, clicks, and conversions, and with traditional and real-time customization options, you can do it both on a broad scale and on a very personal level, so your videos naturally communicate to them on a personal level.

Personalized Videos May Help You Increase Consumer Engagement.

When we speak our consumers’ names, we make a direct connection with them. Can you envision a video in which their name appears in magazine headlines, on concert tickets, or on tattoos capturing their attention? Alternatively, why not include their name in a text message, email, or PayPal account? It takes a little creativity and fairy dust, but the possibilities are limitless.

If you want to be extremely particular, geo-targeting using a map picture or slideshow targeted to the client’s actual location may be a lot of fun. This is a great method for real estate brokers and vacation businesses to gain more business.

What about your own image? Yes. This is also something we can do directly from your social media accounts.

Branded Videos Are Popular On Social Media.

These custom videos can easily be shared on social media platforms. All of our videos may be made in any size to meet your social media requirements. Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, and Twitter are all examples of social media platforms. I don’t even want to discuss the numerous ways in which personalized videos are the solution.

Personalized Videos Might Help You Build Stronger Relationships.

Capturing and maintaining your audience’s attention serves a larger purpose: it aids in the development of a connection. Personalizing videos allows you to engage with viewers on a more personal level, which may lead to a more positive perception of you and your product or service.

We are continuously bombarded with hundreds of advertisements. This makes it harder for marketers and salespeople to stand out from the crowd, engage customers, and build lasting connections. However, the personalized video may help you stand out if you treat each prospect and client as an individual.

Personalized video footage should not only be one-of-a-kind but should also closely reflect a real-life discussion. “Only when you feel like you’re talking one-on-one to your audience, as with personalized videos, can your viewers connect and respond emotionally to your brand,” says Yaron Kalish, CEO of video personalization platform Idomoo.

Both video and customization are fantastic tactics for developing connections at scale in your marketing, and employing both at the same time can further accelerate the process. A personalized real estate video is one such example in which you leverage a prospect’s name, image, and geographic location to create trust and strengthen the connection.

Why Are Personalized Videos So Beneficial To Small Businesses?

Personalization helps keep video marketing new and distinct as it grows more sophisticated, allowing marketers to provide memorable and unique experiences to consumers. Video customization, according to Business Insider, eliminates the “disconnect between rising expenditure on digital video advertisements and the little attention consumers pay to these ads.” This means that, rather than squandering ad revenue on non-personalized movies that can only be seen for a few brief seconds before viewers lose interest, personalized videos keep viewers’ attention for longer since they contain particular personal data.

The best and easiest part about making a tailored video is that you can use all of the information you’ve gathered about prospects and customers during the sales process. You may change the video sequences as the connection progresses and new data becomes available.

Consider the personalized short videos that Facebook produces for its members on special occasions. Users share them again because they are relevant and personal, and the same holds true for tailored video advertising. It is critical to leverage the user data gathered to personalize and improve the experience.

Our personalized video campaigns outperformed those of our competitors when compared to advertisements with generic thumbnails and non-targeted content. Personalized audience data (for example, names) placed directly into the videos drew attention and made the videos stand out.

Because these marketing messages are so engaging they cause you to be less reliant on search engine optimization and other forms of generating traffic.

Personalized Fundraising Videos

Fundraising videos with customization are another area that we anticipate will play a major role in the future years. Nothing pierces the curtain like a personalized letter encouraging donations, whether it’s for a local campaign, a national race, or a charity.

Want to learn all you can about creating personalized videos that provide your viewers with a personal “aha” moment? Visit us at Gibson Girls Marketing

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